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I Can Do What With the Bounceless Control Sports Bra?!

I Can Do What With the Bounceless Control Sports Bra?!

You can bounce less with the Bounceless Control™ sports bra while working out. But did you know there are other ways you can benefit from this sports bra? 

The Bounceless Control™ sports bra is not just your regular workout companion; it's a versatile piece that caters to various needs beyond the gym. While its primary function is to minimize bounce during physical activities, this innovative sports bra offers additional benefits that make it an essential wardrobe staple for different life stages and situations.

Come with us as we dive into the various stages and life circumstances that come with having breasts and how our sports bra can support you throughout your journey. 

Nursing Mothers 

For nursing mothers, finding the right bra can 

nursing mother

be challenging task, especially when dealing with a fuller bust while nursing. The  struggle to balance comfort, support, and functionality often leads to creative solutions. The Bounceless Control™ sports bra addresses this concern with its adjustable, Velcro straps, providing convenience for nursing on the go. Now, mothers can seamlessly transition from nursing to a workout without the hassle of changing bras, enhancing the bonding experience with their babies.

Lounge Bra

When you do not want to go braless, go Bounceless!


Beyond the realm of motherhood, the Bounceless Control™ sports bra emerges as the perfect lounge bra. When you don't want to go completely braless but seek ultimate comfort, this sports bra comes to the rescue. Going up a size ensures a relaxed fit, turning it into an ideal loungewear essential. Many women have embraced sports bras as their everyday choice, finding them more comfortable

Bounceless Control sports bra

than traditional bras. The Bounceless Control™ sports bra, designed for high-impact activities, caters to this trend, offering both support and comfort in daily wear.

The crop top design allows the option of not having to wear a shirt. Whether completing house work or working from home, the Bounceless Control™ sports bra can be your lounge buddy to get you through the day. 

Breast Surgery Bra 

The compassionate design of the Bounceless Control™ sports bra extends to those undergoing breast surgery recovery. Recognizing the needs of breast cancer thrivers, this sports bra provides the necessary compression for healing post-mastectomy or breast augmentation. The emphasis on support and comfort is crucial during recovery, and the optional breast band offers additional support across the bust if required.

Work Bra

For professionals with demanding work hours, the Bounceless Control™ sports

work bra

bra doubles as a work bra. Its full coverage from front to back ensures great support during long shifts, providing nurses with the efficiency they need without the hindrance of breast movement. Beyond the immediate benefits, the sports bra's proper back support contributes to maintaining posture, alleviating potential back pain resulting from poor posture during extended work hours.

Take Control

The Bounceless Control™ sports bra transcends its role as a workout essential, proving to be a versatile, supportive companion for nursing mothers, individuals seeking comfortable loungewear, those in breast surgery recovery, and professionals requiring reliable support during work hours. Its multifunctional design caters to diverse needs, making it a valuable addition to any wardrobe.

Start Your Workouts Before the New Year

Start Your Workouts Before the New Year

As the end of the year approaches, many of us start thinking about New Year's resolutions or setting intentions. It's common to set fitness goals and have the mindset to start working out regularly once the calendar flips. However, waiting until the new year to begin an exercise routine might not be the best approach. In fact, delaying the start of your fitness journey could hinder your progress in the long run.

Here are some reasons why you shouldn't wait until the new year to start working out.  

Every Day Is a New Beginning.           

It sounds good to start something (or pick something back up) at the start of a new year or season. But take a moment to think about if that is the right time for YOU.

Start when you are ready so that you are not feeling the pressure to keep up with everyone. 

Start when you are ready because you have given yourself permission to be and do YOU when YOU feel like it. 

While the start of a new year can be motivating, it's essential to recognize that every day presents an opportunity for a fresh start. Delaying exercise until January 1st can result in lost time that you could use to build healthier habits and achieve your goals.

Establishing Consistency Takes Time.

Consistency is key when it comes to fitness. Starting early allows you to establish a routine, adapt to it, and make it a habit before the rush of the new year. By starting now, you'll be ahead in creating a consistent workout schedule. What better time to get things going so that you can already be in a routine than now. 

Avoiding the New Year Rush.

Gyms tend to be overcrowded in January, making it difficult to access equipment or attend classes. By starting your fitness routine earlier, you can avoid the rush and get comfortable with your workout environment before it gets too crowded.

If you are a gym goer and have already started working out, your chances of feeling discouraged will be minimal to none because you already have the mindset to push through. Plus, the new gym goers will soon fall off and you will keep going. 

Immediate Health Benefits.                    

Exercise offers immediate benefits, including improved mood, increased energy levels, and better sleep. By delaying your start, you're missing out on these positive effects that can significantly enhance your overall well-being. 

Start improving your mood NOW and be ready to take on what may come your way in the new year with an added benefit of alleviating your stress because of your workout routine.

Head into the new year with renewed energy because of your increased energy levels. 

Rest better now because you have already set your plan in motion (because you are in motion).  

Building Momentum.

Starting now allows you to build momentum and progress gradually. You'll have a head start in achieving your fitness goals, which can be a great motivator to keep pushing forward.

There will be days when you will not want to workout. Building up to a routine that fits your schedule and life demands early on can help you overcome those days when you do not feel like putting on your workout clothes. Building that momentum now puts you above the curve of the January firsters. 

Setting Realistic Expectations.

Beginning your fitness journey early allows you to set realistic expectations. It gives you time to assess your starting point, set achievable goals, and plan a strategy that suits your lifestyle.

This will cause less discouragement and disappointment. No matter where you are in your fitness journey, you can adjust. Staring now allows you to make those adjustments that are aligned with you as the focal point and not everyone else who begins their fitness journey at the start of the year. 

Creating Lasting Change.

Waiting for the new year might give a false sense of commitment that can fade quickly. By starting now, you're demonstrating a genuine desire for change and increasing the likelihood of making exercise a lifelong habit.

Remember, starting your fitness journey doesn't have to involve intense workouts right away. Begin with small, manageable steps like taking walks, trying at-home workouts, or joining fitness classes. The key is to start moving and gradually increase the intensity as you become more comfortable. If these activities seem a bit much, start by simply stretching. Everyday. The goal is to create habits and stay consistent.  

Ultimately, the decision to start exercising now rather than waiting until the new year can significantly impact your journey towards a healthier lifestyle. By taking action today, you're investing in your well-being and paving the way for a more active and fulfilling future. Don't wait for a particular date on the calendar—start working out now and embrace the positive changes it can bring to your life. And remember, if you fall off, get back on…even if that is every week or month. 

The Mind+Body Connection

The Mind+Body Connection



It’s a new year and like with most years, many folks are gearing up to make working out and eating healthier a priority. But come February or March, 80% of gym goers who resolved to start the new year off working out stop going to the gym. 

Why? Let’s start with the mind. One may THINK they have their mind made up to have a physically active lifestyle by simply stating, “I’m going to make this the year that I lose weight” or “I’m going to start training for that marathon” or “I’m going to __________(fill in the blank). 

Thinking that one is ready to make changes may be due to guilt from indulging in holiday treats and feasts. There is nothing wrong with being motivated to take action after feeling guilty. It’s good to keep in mind that it is going to take more than a little guilty motivation to remain consistent.

The reality is, it takes preparation. Preparation to be consistent. Consistency to form healthy habits. Habits that lead to real results because they become a part of your daily, weekly, or monthly routines. 

Will it always be easy? No. 

Will you want to give up before you really get deep into whatever it is you are aiming for? Likely. 

But with the right mindset, you can overcome whatever it is when it gets tough on your body. 


In order to overcome the barriers, let’s start with mindfulness. Mindfulness is paying attention to the present moment with openness, curiosity, and without judgment.

We often go throughout our day and life doing the opposite of being mindful-operating on autopilot. 

Mindfulness brings us into the awareness of our present situation. Mindfulness can come with the practice of meditation, or simply taking moments out of the day to focus on your breathing. 

When mindfulness is put into practice, the preparation has started. 


Why do I need to prepare for something I already know how to do?

Well, we often find ourselves able to physically do something but then one day, we wake up and don’t feel like doing it. This is a great time to check in with yourself and see why you are not feeling it that particular day. 

There should be a plan in place when those days come, to keep you going. What are you going to tell yourself? Are you going to still commit to being physically active even when you don’t feel like it? Are you going to modify your activity? 

Mentally having a plan in place can help you combat those days of not being motivated. This can look like having a daily affirmation, meditating, and being conscious of what your body is telling you. This all simply means being present. 

Take caution in just jumping into something without being in tune with what is going on with your mind and body. There is a true connection with the mind and body that play a role in how well we respond to our environments. 

Start with the mind and the body will follow. 

In addition to being mentally prepared, make sure you are physically ready and that you have the right sports bra. Check out Are You Ready?


If you have prepared yourself well, you will find that remaining consistent is not as challenging as it may have initially seemed. 

Even on those days when you do not feel like getting out of bed, going to the gym or doing your home workout, once you have built up a routine by remaining consistent, you will find that you will still put forth the effort to put one foot in front of the other.

The main thing to remember when it comes to consistency is to do something, even if it’s a modified workout. 

Let’s take it back to being prepared. If you have already planned out what you are going to do on those days when you do not feel like working out, you are setting yourself up to be consistent no matter what. 

For example, if you normally get up early in the morning to do your cardio workout but wake up one day and are not feeling it, remember that on those days, you would choose to do pilates instead. You are still moving your body and you are remaining consistent. 

Do not be hard on yourself. Take time to check in with yourself so that you do not exhaust yourself or completely give in to NOT doing anything. 

Consistency is what leads us to health habits.

Healthy Habits

Now that the mind is right with some planning, and consistency is in place because of the planning, healthy habits are within reach! 

Doing something without thinking about it is called a habit (autopilot!). Doing something that is good for you is called a healthy habit. 

Everyday we wake up and do our morning routine without thinking about it, which is a habit. 

In the beginning of forming new habits, there will need to be some thought that goes into it. Perhaps everyday for a few months. Some habit building may take more than a few months, others may take less. The important thing to remember is that it takes time to build habits. 

It takes starting something in order for those habits to form. Deciding that you want to do something is the first step! Which starts where? In your mind.  

The Mind +Body Connection

The mind is very powerful. Everything we do begins with our mind. We can convince ourselves one way or another how important something is. We can also change years of thinking a certain way by being conscious of our thoughts. 

Taking time to embrace one’s thoughts is a skill that can be learned. Having the right mindset is everything to conquering your goals and is a great foundation for life. 

Now go out there and make some healthy habits! But before you do, find out what your workout personality is. 
