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What Is Going On When the Breasts Bounce?

What Is Going On When the Breasts Bounce?

What happens to breasts when they bounce? 

We may not notice the changes in our breasts immediately, but something is definitely going on when we don't have the support to keep the breast from bouncing.

Think about it. What goes up must come down. And sometimes coming down results in unintended stretching.

Our breasts are made up of tissue. We have to be mindful to take care of them as best we can or they will change shape a lot faster than we intended.

Let's take a moment to learn about a very important part of our bodies. Our breasts.

The breasts are composed of glandular tissue, fat, and ligaments, all suspended within the chest wall. During physical activity or even everyday movements, the breasts experience a certain degree of bounce. This movement is influenced by factors such as breast size, elasticity of the skin, and the strength of Cooper's ligaments, which provide support.

The ups and downs and side to side.


Breasts not only move up and down, but side to side. In fact, they move in a figure-8 motion while running. While many women want the bounce to be reduced from the motion associated with jumping (that IS how we test sports bras, correct?), we have to be mindful that there are other motions in play. 

Breast pain can be attributed to ill-fitting sports bras that do not support the three dimensional motion of breasts during running. Sports bra cups with stitching are designed to reduce the breast from moving up and down and side to side. This can be helpful when choosing a sports bra for medium to high impact activities. 

Cooper's Ligaments 

coopers ligaments

Cooper's ligaments are crucial connective tissues that help maintain the shape of the breast. Think about them like the wood that frames the inside of

a house. Now, the ligaments are not as sturdy as the wood, but we can see how the framing of our breast is set and the support the ligaments provide.

Excessive and unsupported bouncing can strain these ligaments, leading to loss of elasticity over time. This can result in sagging, a common concern for many women. Wearing a properly fitted sports bra during physical activity can significantly reduce the strain on these ligaments, mitigating the long-term effects.

As we age, change in shape due to weight, or have pregnancies, the ligaments begin to stretch and our breasts will naturally begin to sag. What else contributes to the sag? The BOUNCE!


The bounce is a stressor to the breast. The larger the breast, the more they weigh. The more they weigh, the more intense the bounce is. 


Selecting the appropriate sports bra is crucial for minimizing breast bounce and preventing long-term damage. Consider factors such as the level of impact associated with your chosen activity, your breast size, and personal comfort preferences. Compression bras work well for smaller breasts, while encapsulation bras are more suitable for larger cup sizes, providing individual support for each breast.

The less bouncing your breasts have to do, the longer you can keep them from sagging.



Sagging is going to happen eventually and cannot be reversed naturally.  There are some exercises we can incorporate into our daily lives that will help strengthen the chest muscles, which we will get to shortly.

Remember those ligaments? Well, as the ligaments stretch, they provide less support, causing the breast to sag.


Women often experience discomfort or pain during physical activities due to breast bounce.

breast pain

This is especially true for those with larger breasts. High-impact activities like running or jumping can exacerbate the issue. Investing in a sports bra that provides both compression and encapsulation can help minimize discomfort by reducing movement and providing better support.




The Perks (pun intended)

We now know that our breasts will not remain as perky as we would like for them to be.

We can purchase bras that make us look perky. We can also do exercises that will help strengthen the ligaments, lift chest muscles, and slow down the inevitable of sagging breasts.

Hey, if men can tone up their breasts, surely we can too! Don't let the extra weight we have to carry in that area fool you. It is important to note that the results will not be drastic and the building up of those muscles, particularly with larger breasts, may not look any different on the surface. It's quite likely that we won't get back to being as perky as we'd like, but something is better than nothing. Right?

Incorporate the following exercises into your daily routine to strengthen the chest muscles.

*Please consult your physician before performing any physical activity.

Cobra pose

 cobra pose

Start by laying flat on the ground with your hands flat and arms bent next to your chest.

Slowly raise your chest off the ground until your arms are straight.

Slowly lower your chest to the ground.

Repeat. 3 sets of 8 reps.

Push ups

push up

Start by ensuring your body is straight (not bent).

Depending on your comfort level, place your hands shoulder width apart (or wider, if needed).

Modify push ups by bending knees to the ground.

Repeat 3 sets of 12 reps.

Dumbbell behind the head


Start by holding the dumbbell in both hands at your chest.

Raise over your head towards your back, keeping your elbows bent.

Raise back in front of your chest.

Repeat 3 sets of 8 reps.

bounceless sports bra

Take time to take care of your breasts during physical activity by wearing a sports bra that provides the support you need.

For daily support, ensure you are wearing the correct size bra that provides support so that your breasts are supported, not just covered.

With the right support, our breasts can maintain their strength structure. 

I Can Do What With the Bounceless Control Sports Bra?!

I Can Do What With the Bounceless Control Sports Bra?!

You can bounce less with the Bounceless Control™ sports bra while working out. But did you know there are other ways you can benefit from this sports bra? 

The Bounceless Control™ sports bra is not just your regular workout companion; it's a versatile piece that caters to various needs beyond the gym. While its primary function is to minimize bounce during physical activities, this innovative sports bra offers additional benefits that make it an essential wardrobe staple for different life stages and situations.

Come with us as we dive into the various stages and life circumstances that come with having breasts and how our sports bra can support you throughout your journey. 

Nursing Mothers 

For nursing mothers, finding the right bra can 

nursing mother

be challenging task, especially when dealing with a fuller bust while nursing. The  struggle to balance comfort, support, and functionality often leads to creative solutions. The Bounceless Control™ sports bra addresses this concern with its adjustable, Velcro straps, providing convenience for nursing on the go. Now, mothers can seamlessly transition from nursing to a workout without the hassle of changing bras, enhancing the bonding experience with their babies.

Lounge Bra

When you do not want to go braless, go Bounceless!


Beyond the realm of motherhood, the Bounceless Control™ sports bra emerges as the perfect lounge bra. When you don't want to go completely braless but seek ultimate comfort, this sports bra comes to the rescue. Going up a size ensures a relaxed fit, turning it into an ideal loungewear essential. Many women have embraced sports bras as their everyday choice, finding them more comfortable

Bounceless Control sports bra

than traditional bras. The Bounceless Control™ sports bra, designed for high-impact activities, caters to this trend, offering both support and comfort in daily wear.

The crop top design allows the option of not having to wear a shirt. Whether completing house work or working from home, the Bounceless Control™ sports bra can be your lounge buddy to get you through the day. 

Breast Surgery Bra 

The compassionate design of the Bounceless Control™ sports bra extends to those undergoing breast surgery recovery. Recognizing the needs of breast cancer thrivers, this sports bra provides the necessary compression for healing post-mastectomy or breast augmentation. The emphasis on support and comfort is crucial during recovery, and the optional breast band offers additional support across the bust if required.

Work Bra

For professionals with demanding work hours, the Bounceless Control™ sports

work bra

bra doubles as a work bra. Its full coverage from front to back ensures great support during long shifts, providing nurses with the efficiency they need without the hindrance of breast movement. Beyond the immediate benefits, the sports bra's proper back support contributes to maintaining posture, alleviating potential back pain resulting from poor posture during extended work hours.

Take Control

The Bounceless Control™ sports bra transcends its role as a workout essential, proving to be a versatile, supportive companion for nursing mothers, individuals seeking comfortable loungewear, those in breast surgery recovery, and professionals requiring reliable support during work hours. Its multifunctional design caters to diverse needs, making it a valuable addition to any wardrobe.

Feelin' Yourself

Feelin' Yourself

self breast exam


Disclaimer. The statements expressed are that of Bounceless®. Bounceless® is not providing medical advice. Please seek a professional for advice if you are in need of medical care.

While October is ending, our commitment to breast cancer awareness continues. Education is still needed. Having a month dedicated to awareness is great. Taking action is even better. 

With the increase of women under the age of 40 being diagnosed with breast cancer, it is imperative that we take charge of our health by being the first to know what is going on with our own bodies. 

It’s okay to feel yourself. Seriously. Self-breast exams are essential to your health. No one knows your body like you. 

spilled tea

Regardless of what the current recommendation is for self-exams (there is controversy), you should be familiar with your body and the changes it may be going through.                                                                              

Knowing your family’s history along with knowing your current health status are the first steps in being an advocate for your health. 

Here are some activities to keep in mind throughout the year.


feel it on the first

Every first of the month, feel your breast. Make this a monthly routine so that you can be the first to know what may be going on within your body. 

Check for these signs of cancer when you #feelitonthefirst:

  • New lump in the breast or underarm (armpit).
  • Thickening or swelling of part of the breast.
  • Irritation or dimpling of breast skin.
  • Redness or flaky skin in the nipple area or the breast.
  • Pulling in of the nipple or pain in the nipple area.
  • Nipple discharge other than breast milk, including blood.
  • Any change in the size or the shape of the breast.
  • Pain in any area of the breast.

If you notice something abnormal, call your doctor. Waiting for an annual checkup may be too late. 

Incorporate healthy habits into your lifestyle. 

fruits and vegetables

A healthy diet and daily exercise can reduce the risk of cancer and other diseases. Making small changes one day at a time can be life changing. 

  • Increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. Frozen fruit is a great alternative if fresh fruit is not available. 
  • Replace unhealthy snacks-such as high sodium chips-with low sodium chips or trail mix.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption. 
  • Slowly ease into a workout routine. Walking is still a great way to exercise without exerting a lot of energy. Being inactive brings on health issues. 
  • Avoid tobacco. 

Schedule your mammogram 


Mammograms are uncomfortable. If you have felt it on the first and called your doctor, having a mammogram will be the next step in determining the status of your breast health. Keep in mind: While mammograms are widely used for screening for breast cancer, breast cancer can still go undetected. 

Asking for an ultrasound, particularly when you have dense breasts, is an additional screening tool. Be prepared for initial objections to ultrasounds unless you are experiencing pain, redness, or discharge of the breasts. If you feel you need an ultrasound, keep pressing your health care provider. 

Educate yourself.

Education is key to knowing what to look for concerning your breast health and who to reach out to. Take caution when navigating the internet as there is a ton of information, some of which can be misleading. 

While Bounceless® does not endorse any particular organization, here is an educational guide as a starting point. 

You are the driver of your health.

While this information may reduce the risk of breast cancer, it is important to remember that if you or a loved one is diagnosed, early detection saves lives. With the current advancements in our medical care, women are thriving past their diagnosis. 

Please do not let October be the only month that you take notice of your breast health. 

You matter. And so do your breasts.
